Citizens-Corporate-Government, CCG Responsibility Model

Citizen-Corporate-Government, CCG is a system of responsibility which focuses on individual responsibilities in socio-economic development of the society, before corporate organization and the government lastly.

It is a joint responsibility scenario, however, with more emphasis on the individual. The idea is to encourage individual to take personal responsibility in enhancing self and the society at large, while also getting corporate organisations as well as the government responsible.

While the government create enabling environment for growth and development, meaningful development are actually from the citizen. Society gets better when the citizen begins to take responsibility for personal advancement, a better life for self and then for the society. This is supposed to be followed by the corporate organization. Citizens run the corporate organisations, and they head the government. Responsible citizens will make responsible corporate organisations and also better government. Our situation as a developing nation will be getting better as more individuals accept personal responsibility and make better life for self.


The Nigerian socio-economic situation and the usual perception of the populace who left most things to government- looking up to the central for jobs, infrastructural development, healthcare, education, etc and the need to become more responsible are the motivation behind this concept.

The CCG concept was made popular at the Brand Nigeria Leadership Forum 2015, a think tank forum for individual responsibility for a better socio-economic development.